About me

Nina Käsehage

Nina Käsehage

I am currently working at the University of Potsdam on the DFG-DACH research project ‘Models of religion-related teaching and the topic of Islam’ (MORE).

On June 27, 2023, I was awarded the Privatdozentur (Venia Docendi) for the subject History of Religions and Religious Studies at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. My habilitation thesis deals with the topic: “The Young Sahaba” – The Religious Socialization of Children and Adolescents in the Jihadist Milieu”.

In May 2023, I was habilitated at the professorship for Theology of Religion and Religious Studies at the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.

From March 2017 until March 2022 I was working as a Postdoc at the Department for Religious Studies and Intercultural Theology at the Faculty of Theology (University of Rostock).

My PhD thesis Die gegenwärtige salafistische Szene in Deutschland – Prediger und Anhänger [The contemporary Salafist Scene in Germany – Preachers and Adherents] contains a multilevel field-research in the current Salafi-Scene of Germany. It was accepted as a dissertation at the Department of Religious Studies at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen in the year 2017.

I aquired two Bachelor- and two Master-degrees (100 percent) in History and in Religious Studies at the Ruhr-University of Bochum.

Furthermore, I was a member of the governance board of the X. Zukunftsforum Islam (Federal Center for Political Education) with the focus on “Islamic welfare work in the discussion: Duties and responsibilities and civil society´s perspections in the migration society”. In this regard I ´ve been the host of the workshop: “Medical assisted suicide and terminal care  by muslim patients: Perspektives, controversies und experiences”.

As scientist, I decided myself for the knowledge (#fürdasWissen entscheiden – an initiative of the German Research Community, DFG)



In addition, I get involved with the interreligious dialogue, that is the foundation for a peaceful societal cooperation in my estimation. Beyond that, I offer individual consulting, lectures and concepts to the following topics:

  • Culturally sensitive consulting
  • Religious fundamentalism and extremism, esp. Salafism in Germany and Europe
  • Prevention- and De-Radicalisation-Prospects towards violent (religious) actors
  • the different characteric forms of Jihadism
  • further radical islamic movements, for instance Al-Qaida and the Islamic State
  • the interreligious practice, the possibilities of civil society engagement and cooperation of different (religious) groups.

In my opinion a wise society shall be measured at its acquaintance with its detractors. With regard to different religious and socio-political conceivabilities there shall be the continous attempt to meet each other with an open sight. Different opinions can operate revitalized for a pluralistic society – as far as they don´t clip or qualify others civil liberties.

I try to keep this claim alive with my research, lectures and consulting, because:

“A verdict can be examined, but never a prejudice.”

(Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)