Since October 2024, I have been working for the House of Religions as the director and coordinator of the project “The Global Conflict in the Classroom – Anti-Semitism Meets Anti-Muslim Racism“.
From March to September 2024, I was a postdoctoral fellow in the project MORE (Models of Religion-Related Teaching and the Topic of Islam), responsible for the evaluation and finalization of the Potsdam
In May 2023, I was habilitated at Goethe University. My habilitation is based on a longitudinal study with children in the German jihadist milieu.

Since 2015 I held lectures, trainings, professional developments and workshops in several educational institutions, religious organizations, social facilities, trade associations, NGO, probationary services and at the police to the following topics:
- Religion-scientifically based approaches to the terms: Radicalization, Terrorism, Extremism, Religious Fundamentalism and Islamism
- the roots of Salafism in Germany and Europe and its further development
- the diversity of the Salafistic Scene in Germany and Europe
- the (salafistic) Jihadi milieu in Germany and Europe
- (Female) Foreign Fighters
- Girls and women in the Salafi milieu
- Prevention approaches towards religious radicalization
- Framework for civic involvement
Selected Examples
July 2015
„Scientific Problems related to the field-research in the so called Salafi Milieu“
Lecture in context of the Conference „Salafism in discourse – Reconstruction, Deconstruction and Construction of an Islamic movement“
University of Bremen, Department of Religious Studies
September 2015
02. to 04. September 2015
„Transnational networks among Salafi in Europe“
Lecture in the context of the fifth meeting of PASCA: “Im-/mobilities as products and generators of conflict”, organized by the Institute of Peace-Research Frankfurt am Main and the Department of Social- and Culture-Anthropology of the Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main
Westend-Campus University in Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main
October 2015
“The Contemporary Salafi-Movement in Germany: Approaches to a Distrustful Milieu“

Main-Speaker at the “6th Joint International Conference and Graduate Workshop on Islamic Studies Revisited: New Trends in the Study of Islam and Muslim Societies“, from the State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia and the Department of Philosophy of the Georg-August-University in Göttingen
State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
December 2015
„Women in Jihad – How Salafi Actor legitimate violence as appropriate in fight-situations“
Lecture in context of the Course: „Religion and Violence“, Winter-Semester 2015/16
University of Hannover, Department of Religious Studies, Sociology/Culture-Anthropology and Theology
„Women in the Islamic State (IS)“
Main Speaker and Conception of the Conference-Title and of two Workshops for a conference of the Federal Office of Political Education (bpb) “Dialog macht Schule”:„Young, radical, Muslim? – Conference about the increasing violence against Muslim and about radical Islam“
Verein niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen (VNB) e.V. Hannover in cooperation with the VHS-Hannover, the IGS Badenstedt and the Mediencampus Hannover; sponsored by the Federal Office for Family, Senior, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) in context of the federal program “Living democracy“
VHS-Hannover, Hannover
February 2016
„Medicine towards the Terror? What could we do, to stop the violence?“
Participant of the panel-discussion of the HdR-event: „Religions in talk“, together with Elhakam Sukhni and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Manemann, moderated by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Reinbold
Haus der Religionen e.V. (HdR), Hannover
„The Salafi Scene in Germany – Views from the inside and the outside and its relations with the Islamic State“
Göttinger Senioren-Forums NEOKO with support of Apex Kultur e.V.
Apex Kultur e.V., Göttingen
May 2016
“The Heterogeinity of the radicalization process of girls and young women in the jihadi-salafistic milieu – Empirical proofs from the field research related to religious actor in the Jihad””
LEGATO, in cooperation with the Federal Office for Family, Senior, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)
Legato, Hamburg
“What are the reasons for youths to become Jihadis? Potential Prevention-Approaches to stop this development”
Kirchenkreis Norden, Ostfriesland

“Youths in the Holy War – How to ban the danger in the middle of our society”
Participant of the panel-discussion of the HdR-event: „Religions in talk“, together with Dr. Rudolf van Hüllen, Christian Hantel, Ansgar Focke Mdl, moderated by Simon Kremer (dpa)
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Hannover
June 2016
“Al-Jannah! – Best Practice Examples from the Salafi-Jihadi-Milieu”
Conference of Zebis (Center for ethic education in the Forces) and ithf (Institute for Theology and Freedom), from 19.06. to 24.06.2016
July 2016
“The Heterogeneity of the Salafi Scene in Germany”
Forum Interreligious Dialogue
Georg-August-University of Göttingen
September 2016
“The different facet of Islam”
Religramme – Faces of religions
October 2016
“Gender role and sexuality in Islam and their salafistic interpretation with field-research examples”
Landesstelle Jugendschutz Hannover
November 2016
“Individual background and motives of female foreign fighters for joining the jihad and potential ways to canalize their negative energies in social participation”
Society for Terrorism Research & Universität Leiden
The Hague, The Netherlands
“The Salafistic Scene in Germany”
Landeshauptstadt Hannover – Fachbereich Soziales und Integration
“Arrival – Societal participation in coherency with interreligious challenges”
VHS-Langenhagen und LieZa
December 2016
“Salafismus made in Germany – Warum sich junge Menschen dem Salafismus anschließen”
AGAPLESION, Diakonieklinikum
Rotenburg (Wümme)
February 2017
“Aufwachsen in salafistischen Familien”
Lecture and Workshop
Arbeitsstelle Kinder- und Jugendschutz Landesstelle NRW e.V (AJS)
Mai 2017
“Salafismus als Protestkultur – Wie können wir der Szene in Niedersachen begegnen?”
Grüne Jugend Göttingen & Grüne Hochschulgruppe Göttingen
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
June 2017
“Wege in die Gewalt – Attraktivitätsmomente für junge Menschen im deutschen salafistisch-dschihadistischen Milieu”
Schüler-Tagung, Sek II
Kloster Loccum
May 2018
‘Falling in love with martial jihad’ – Motives from salafistic-jihadistic girls/women among Europe for joining Jihad”
King´s College
London (UK)
September 2018
24. September 2018
International expert conference:
‘Women in Extremism – Causes, Concerns and Consequences’
Department Religious Studies and Interkultural Theology (University of Rostock) in cooperation with the International Observatory of Human Rights (IOHR)
University of Rostock (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)
International expert conference ‘Women in Extremism’

October 2018
04.October 2018
‘Special forms of religious communitarisation in the field of Salafism and Jihadism’
BKA und Universität Leiden
Den Haag (NL)
11. October 2018
‘Salafistische Strukturen in Bayern – Protagonitst*innen und Zielsetzungen’
Gersthofen ist bunt
12. October 2018
‘Salafistische Strukturen in Bayern – Protagonitst*innen und Zielsetzungen’
Gegen Vergessen – Für Demokratie
November 2018
International conference:
‘Islamic Extremism and Militant Islam as Hybrid Cultures of Knowledge’
Department of Religious Studies and Intercultural Theology in cooperation with the GRK ‘Interpretational Power’
University of Rostock (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

My lectures at closed professional events are not mentioned at this point.